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help! Gulya Diyarova in conversation with Anne Power, a therapist and author, part one [youtube][/youtube] How can EFT help couples? Gulya Diyarova in conversation with Anne Power, a therapist and…
By: admin

You can take an individual out of the environment for therapy but you can’t take the environment out of the individual: A case for changing the environment with family therapy
Individual therapy has dominated counselling and psychotherapy since the therapy profession began. Individuals are often given a diagnostic label (e.g. depression, anxiety, OCD) and the therapist then works to “cure”…
By: admin

How can we support each other, and be supported, in the times of lockdown? Insights from a new relationship study.
At the time of writing this blog post, I’m sitting in our back garden and enjoying what has been forecasted to be the last beautiful day for a while. It’s…
By: admin

When couples are in distress, sometimes couples therapy is not the best option.
What is Discernment Counselling? Deciding to stay or to go is the most complex and challenging decision a couple can make. It can be agonising. Some couples can remain stuck…
By: admin

Coronavirus Update: We all need support now more than ever
We are here to support you more than ever – just a click of a mouse or a phone call away! These are unprecedented and trying times for all of…
By: admin

‘Homo vinculum’ – the one who bonds with others
I had been trying to figure out what the first post for the EFT Clinic blog should be about for a while now until my cat finally gave me the…
By: admin