Global awards 2022/23


Let’s Meet and Talk

Get in Touch to schedule a Free 20min initial Phone Assessment or Face-to-Face extended Assessment with your therapist

In times of Corona, we are here to support you more than ever – just a click of a mouse or a phone call away!

Contact us

Variety of support
Helping You

Like so many of us, You are one of those people who are always putting others first. It is common that you worry about the moods and feelings of others before you attend to your own.

You may find yourself in the middle of or starting a stressful event such as separation or divorce, or have broken up with your partner. You may begin to notice that you are beginning to isolate yourself more and more, and seem to never have time for your hobbies or activities that you used to be fond of. Or you have developed and truly are struggling with addictive behaviors, such as drugs addiction, alcoholism or gambling, which are destroying your life and impacting your close relationships and family. Or just generally finding your life as a struggle because some of your past traumatic events may be still haunting you, and you might not be sure how to truly leave the past behind and enjoy your life in the present.

As practitioners of the highly successful Emotionally Focused Therapy, we offer you Support, Knowledge and gentle Guidance to help you to restore your hope, confidence, enjoyment in life and faith in yourself.

These questions can sneak up on you from time to time:
  • “Why do I not feel truly happy and fulfilled anymore?”

  • “Why have I become so isolated and depressed, more than ever before?”

  • “Why do I never feel I’m good enough?”

  • “Why are my relationships so unsatisfying? I never can seem to fully connect with anyone.”

  • “Why do I feel upset, or consistently sad?”

  • “Why can my anxiety be so overwhelming and keeps me from trying new things and enjoying my life to the full?”

  • Why have my addictions become a painful substitute for a happy, satisfied, and rewarding life I once had and that I want?

Therapy that Gets to the “Heart” of frustration and distress

At EFT Clinic in London, we help you heal and find your direction in life and your strengths again with the world’s kindest and most effective approach, Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), using other models where necessary.

EFT allows you to take steps to make yourself a priority helping you get on the path back to be a healthier and happier you, and invest in yourself again. We will help you address the symptoms and causes of stress, anxiety, and depression through an expert outside perspective.

These heavy emotions can find their ways into your life and begin to affect your relationships, your mood, and even your ambitions, locking you into ‘the negative loop’ of your distress. They are often related to unmet emotional needs, which you may not even be able to identify yet.

We offer and help you find a positive pathway to understand yourself better and recognise these emotional needs and a way to reconnect with yourself on a deeper level.

We Personalize Your Sessions to Fit Your Needs

While in our work together we focus on your painful or negative emotions, Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) approach also gives you ‘tools for life’ that you need, to identify the feelings that bring on distress, arguments and instigate conflict. We will work to help you navigate conflict instead of avoiding and fearing it.

Developing healthy emotional habits allows you to interact with others in a positive way, even in waves of conflict to gain clarity over some issues that have been hard to understand and navigate. Our goal is to work with you on your problems until the distress that you feel in your life becomes a feeling of strength.


A Snapshot of the Change Process in Emotionally Focused Therapy session (Johnson, S. ‘Attachment Theory in Practice’, 2019)

In one of the final sessions, Therapist (Ther.) asks Fern (the client) how her inner ‘critical Judge’ is doing, and she tells Ther.

“That voice is not so loud now. It feels like I can breathe. It’s been so suffocating. I am gentler with myself.”

Ther. validates her for all the changes she has made and her bravery and openness. We go over the story of the sessions together and weave a coherent narrative of how Fern learned to “swim” in the ‘Sea of Emotions’ and be gentle with herself.

  • Ther: So, can you see that desperate Fern who came to see this therapist, who could not sleep and who felt so alone? What would you like to say to her now?

  • Fern: (With eyes closed.) I can tell her, “You don’t need to pay for that mistake for the rest of your life. You have paid. You have suffered enough now. And folks like your critical harsh sister don’t get to define you.”

  • Ther: Aha. That is so right on. How does this feel, to say this? Can you tell her again? (Fern does.)

  • Fern: It feels peaceful—and like space. (Smiles a big, wide smile at THER.)

  • Ther: So maybe she deserves some loving? She can even ask for what she needs and speak her hurts and not keep the mask on, hiding her hurt? My sense is that you are proud of what this vulnerable part of you has done here? Is this right? (Fern nods.) Can you tell her?

  • Fern: Hm—that is a bit of a struggle, but yes. (Closes her eyes.) You have struggled and come out the other end. I am proud of you. (Looks up at THER.) I have to practice this a bit. (Giggles.).

  • Ther: You did this, Fern. I would like you to take that in. You wept nearly every minute of the first sessions, and look at you now!!

  • Fern: Yes—we touched on lots of painful things, but I am so much better equipped to deal with so many things. Thank you.

  • Ther: Thank you, too—thank you for your trust.

Let’s Meet and Talk

Get in Touch to schedule a Free 20min initial Phone Assessment or Face-to-Face extended Assessment with your therapist

We are located in the famous Harley Street Therapeutic district with excellent transport links and parking.
We are here to help, and we want to be the ones to help you!

In times of Corona, we are here to support you more than ever – just a click of a mouse or a phone call away!
Contact us